Who We Are
Latest Information
NEW! Molalla Side Channel Project
Molalla River Draft Business Plan--BLM
Sen. Merkley floats the Molalla
White Paper: The Ecological and Recreational Benefits of the Molalla River, Oregon
Welcome to the website of the Molalla River Alliance! On the following pages you will learn about one of the most extraordinary collaborations of conservationists ever assembled.
We are a non-profit, all-volunteer conservation group of more than 100 civic and conservation organizations; local, state and federal agencies; numerous user groups; and local property owners.
We are dedicated to preserving the water quality of the Molalla and sustaining the wildlife, fish and plants that inhabit its watershed. Also, we are committed to promoting a safe and healthy environment that encourages diverse enjoyment of the recreation corridor, including tourism and family-friendly activities.
We have taken a leading role in galvanizing numerous stakeholders, scientists and policy makers. We have forged a lasting partnership of diverse, divergent and frequently opposing groups.
- We have wild fish advocates sitting next to hatchery fish advocates
- We have hunters sitting next to equestrians and hikers
- We have anti-logging advocates sitting next to timber growers
- We have fly fishermen sitting next to bait fishermen;
This group of non-traditional allies works because all have found the common bond between us, which is the shared passion for Oregon's storied Molalla River.
Our foremost commitment is to the health of the river and its ecosystems, for the consequential enjoyment by all people.
President's Message

Dear Friends of the Molalla:
Since its inception in 2008, the Molalla River Alliance has become a potent and respected advocate for our beloved river, enabling us to meet many of our key conservation priorities in pursuit of our mission.
Through the unflagging volunteer efforts of our members and partners the Alliance has:
- Slashed lawless and destructive human activities and established a family-friendly recreation sanctuary in the Molalla River Recreation Corridor.
- By an act of Congress in 2019, achieved federal Wild and Scenic River protection for the Upper Molalla River.
- Strengthened efforts to preserve the primary source of drinking water for more than 20,000 citizens.
- Collaborated with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and Oregon Governor Kate Brown in obtaining official Oregon Scenic Waterway status for the upper Molalla River--the first such action in more than 25 years.
- Unified diverse, frequently opposed public and private stakeholders, scientists and policymakers in support of key goals for the Molalla River.
- Expanded our network of organizations and affiliates.
- Advanced public awareness of issues affecting the Molalla River.
- Sponsored and organized field seminars on hydrogeology, anadromous fish, habitat and water quality for teachers.
- Contributed meaningfully to the development of the BLM's recreational management plan for the Molalla River Recreation Corridor and Table Rock Wilderness.
- Assisted the BLM in developing new riverside congregate campsites equipped with restrooms, potable water, trash receptacles and parking areas.
- Recruited experts in natural sciences to give presentations to our members.
- Supported efforts to reduce sea lion predation of endangered steelhead at Willamette Falls fish ladder.
- Conducted anadromous fish monitoring and headwaters research.
- Participated in habitat restoration and river cleanups.
- Developed smart phone app for volunteers to report problems or violations in the Upper Molalla corridor.
- Obtained listing in National Geographic Magazine's online Geotourism Inventory.
These achievements show that conservation efforts can be successful if human-based priorities are secondary to ecosystem-based priorities. No goal or priority of the Molalla River Alliance favors the interests of any single species, activity, or group…including humans.
The many members of the Alliance who take on projects and activities to benefit our storied river are creating an enduring and legacy. If you would like to be a part of this rewarding work, please contact us.
John H. Atkins, Jr.President
(503) 686-1788
Our Goals

- To promote efforts that preserve the water quality and biodiversity of the Molalla River and to protect and sustain the natural resources that inhabit its watershed;
- To promote a safe and healthy environment that encourages diverse enjoyment of the Molalla River Recreation Corridor including tourism and family-friendly activities;
Our Partners and Members
- American Rivers
- American Whitewater
- Back Country Horsemen
- Back Country Hunters and Anglers
- Bee Ranch
- Blue Sky Whitewater Rafting
- Bureau of Land Management
- Canby Utility
- City of Molalla
- Clackamas County Parks and Recreation
- Clackamas County Sheriff
- Confluence Consulting
- Dept. of Environmental Quality
- Ecotrust
- Freshwater Trust
- Glen Avon Neighborhood Assn.
- Molalla CPO
- Molalla Pioneer
- Molalla Police Department
- Molalla Retreat
- MolallaRiver Anglers
- Molalla RiverWatch
- Native Fish Society
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin.
- North American Salmon Stronghold
- Northwest Steelheaders
- Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
- Oregon Department of Forestry
- Oregon Equestrian Trails
- Oregon State Police
- Oregon Wild
- Peachuck Lookout Advocacy Group
- Sierra Club Oregon
- South Clackamas CPO
- Steven Smith Fisheries Consulting
- Trails End Campground
- Trout Unlimited
- Wild Salmon Center
- Willamette Riverkeeper